Key Takeaways:

  • Humidity can cause warping, cracking, and damage to your pool table, impacting its playability and lifespan.
  • Measure room humidity using a hygrometer, aiming for an optimal level between 40-60% to protect your pool table from damage.
  • Use dehumidifiers, maintain consistent indoor temperatures, and ensure proper ventilation to control indoor humidity levels.
  • Regular maintenance, including brushing off dust, cleaning spills immediately, and using a high-quality cover, is essential for protecting your pool table from humidity.

Did you know that it’s possible for pool table damage to occur from humidity? As a pool table owner, it’s crucial to protect your investment from the warping and degradation that moisture can cause.

While it may seem like a daunting task, there are practical steps you can take to prevent these issues. Let’s explore some effective strategies that will not only extend the life of your pool table, but also improve the quality of your game.

Want to know more about this? Keep going.

Understanding Humidity

While you may not realize it, humidity can significantly impact the condition of your pool table. It’s not just about maintaining the shiny finish or ensuring the balls roll smoothly. It’s a much deeper issue – humidity can cause warping, cracking, and other types of potential damage.

You see, high humidity levels mean there’s a lot of moisture in the air. This excess moisture can seep into your pool table’s wood and felt, causing them to swell and warp. On the other hand, low humidity can cause the wood to dry out and crack. Both scenarios are detrimental to your pool table, and it’s your job to protect it, or you will have to repair the pool table felt, or schedule an entire pool table repair.

Extreme temperatures can also exacerbate the effects of humidity. When it’s hot, the air can hold more moisture, increasing the humidity level. When it’s cold, the air can’t hold as much moisture, leading to low humidity. A dehumidifier can help regulate these levels, but it’s not a cure-all.

Measuring Room Humidity

To safeguard your pool table, you’ll first need to accurately measure the humidity in the room. It’s crucial to keep an eye on this as excessive humidity can warp the wood of your pool table and ruin the felt. To measure room humidity, you’ll require a hygrometer; a tool designed for this very purpose, and of course, you should also know what’s a good humidity level.

Place the hygrometer in your game room, preferably near your pool table but not directly on it. Monitor it for a few days to get a clear picture of the average humidity levels. If they fluctuate drastically or are consistently high, you’ll need to take steps to protect your pool table.

Keep in mind that temperature can affect humidity. Warmer air holds more moisture, so a hot game room could contribute to high humidity. Regularly check the temperature along with the humidity to ensure they’re both at optimal levels for your pool table.

Lastly, investing in a pool table cover can be beneficial. It won’t directly control humidity, but it can shield your table from sudden fluctuations and dampness. Remember, dehumidifiers and other humidity control methods will be discussed in our next section, ‘Controlling Indoor Humidity’.

Controlling Indoor Humidity

Now that you’ve gauged the humidity in your game room, let’s delve into strategies for controlling it.

Controlling indoor humidity is crucial to protect your pool table. Humidity can warp pool tables and ruin the playing surface, leading to a less-than-ideal game experience.

First, maintain indoor conditions that discourage humidity. This usually means keeping your room’s temperature steady. Sudden changes can increase humidity levels. Similarly, avoid exposure of the table to direct sunlight, which can cause rapid temperature fluctuations.

Second, consider using a dehumidifier. These devices pull moisture from the air, helping you manage the humidity levels in your game room. They’re effective and straightforward to use. You will need to know the exact pool table room size so that you can get the right size of dehumidifier.

Third, regular ventilation can help control indoor humidity. Open windows and doors when the outside weather is dry. This allows moisture-laden air to escape and be replaced by drier air. However, be careful not to overdo it—too much dry air can also damage your pool table.


Choosing the Right Cover

After you’ve taken steps to control the room’s humidity, picking out the right cover for your pool table becomes your next line of defense. The cover isn’t just a piece of cloth; it’s a shield that helps to protect your pool table from the damaging effects of humidity.

Now, you’re not just choosing any cover, you’re looking for one made from durable materials. These materials will ensure that your cover can withstand the humidity, keeping your pool table in good shape for longer.

Remember, the better the quality of the cover, the better it will be at taking care of your pool table. So, don’t skimp when it comes to buying a cover. It might cost a little more, but it’s worth preserving your pool table’s good condition.

Make sure to correctly measure your pool table before you choose a cover. The cover needs to fit just right, not too loose and not too tight. Think of it this way: you’re dressing your pool table in a protective suit of armor against humidity. Choose wisely and your pool game will thank you for years to come.

Proper Maintenance and Care

Beyond the cover, your pool table needs regular maintenance and care to stay in top condition, even in the face of humidity. This involves protecting the felt, wood, and slate components from dust, accidental damage, and moisture.

Dust can accumulate rapidly and affect the smoothness of your play. So, it’s important to clean your table with a gentle brush weekly. Be mindful to brush the dust off the table, not into the pockets.

Humidity can warp the wood and slate, damaging the table’s structure and playability. To protect your pool table, maintain a consistent indoor environment, preferably with a humidity level of 40-60%. Besides, use a dehumidifier if you live in a high-humidity area.

The felt needs special cleaning and deserves your attention. Avoid eating or drinking near the table to prevent accidental spills. Clean any spills immediately to prevent the felt from staining or warping.

When to Seek Professional Help

Despite your best efforts to maintain your pool table, there may come a time when you’ll need to enlist the help of a professional. Excessive humidity can lead to significant damage if left unchecked. Even with your dedicated care, a pool table exposed to the elements may still fall prey to the unrelenting forces of humidity.

You’ve followed steps and tips to protect your pool table, but sometimes the process can become overwhelming or the damage too severe. If you notice warping or swelling of the wood, or your table’s leveling is off, it’s time to seek professional help. These are signs that humidity has begun to take its toll, and corrective measures are needed.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will humidity ruin a pool table?

Yes, humidity can indeed ruin a pool table. High humidity levels can cause the wood components of a pool table, like the legs and frame, to swell and warp. Over time, this can affect the structural integrity and levelness of the table, crucial for accurate play.

The felt on the table can also absorb moisture, leading to a slower, inconsistent ball roll and potential mold growth. To combat these effects, maintaining a stable indoor environment with humidity levels between 40-60% is recommended. Using dehumidifiers and climate controls can help stabilize these conditions in areas like garages, where fluctuations are more common. Additionally, covers can protect the table from dust and moisture when not in use.

Do pool tables need to be climate controlled?

Yes, pool tables do need to be climate controlled to maintain their integrity and playability. Exposure to variations in temperature and humidity can significantly affect a pool table’s wooden components and felt surface. Moisture can cause the wood to warp or crack and can lead to mildew and mold on the felt. Similarly, changes in temperature can make the rubber cushions hard and brittle, affecting the bounce and play of the balls.

Managing the climate, especially maintaining a consistent level of humidity and temperature, can help preserve the table and enhance the playing experience. Ensuring the space is climate-controlled, using devices like dehumidifiers or humidifiers depending on the need, and employing covers to protect the table when not in use are effective ways to mitigate these risks​.

How do you weatherproof a pool table?

Weatherproofing a pool table for outdoor use involves several steps to ensure it remains durable and playable under various weather conditions.

First, you should consider purchasing a pool table specifically designed for outdoor use, as these are made with weather-resistant materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, and waterproof felt. These materials prevent rust, warping, and moisture damage

What is the best humidity level for a pool table?

The optimal humidity level for a pool table is generally recommended to be between 40% and 60%. This range helps to prevent warping and cracking of the wood, while also maintaining the integrity of the felt and other materials used in the table’s construction. Staying within this humidity range can significantly contribute to the longevity and quality of play on a pool table​


In a nutshell, safeguarding your pool table from humidity’s relentless grip isn’t rocket science. It’s about cultivating an environment that keeps dampness at bay, using the right shield, and staying consistent with maintenance.

And when in doubt, don’t hesitate to call in the cavalry – professionals know the ropes. So, take the plunge and protect your precious pool table, ensuring it remains as smooth and unblemished as the day it first graced your game room.